Are you too lazy to read? Watch this video guide instead!
Minimum requirements
At least 3.5GB (3500MB) of memory/RAM
4.5GB of available storage
Android 6.0+ (Preferably 7.0 or greater for Obtainium support)
If you are using an emulator, only Bluestacks 10 and MuMu 6 have been confirmed to work. LDPlayer and Nox do not work! MuMu 12 does not work!
Download the English patched apk:
ENG for 11.4.52 (2024/12/10)
Install and run
Wait for extra data to download
After extra data downloads, the game will show a pop-up in Japanese (which says to restart the game). This is normal. Restart the game and the next pop-up should be in English.
If you can see badly spelled English text saying there is a roughly 2000MB update, congratulations! The patch is working. Onto the next step...
The main updater can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. This is also normal, as it has to download the data from Japan.
If you can see the title screen with english text in the top right, you did it. Now you can play it in English! Make sure to link your account so you don’t lose your progress.
Download and install the latest version of PlayCover
Download the Guns Girl Z English Patched IPA (available in the "iOS & iPad OS" tab).
Install and play!
ENG for 11.4.6 (2025/02/06)
Before we continue, jailbreaking your device is the easiest way to get GGZ working in English. You don't have to jailbreak, but it will take much longer. And if you can't jailbreak... Well... Good luck.
There are currently jailbreaks for iOS up to 17.0.0 (if you consider roothide bootstrap a jailbreak). You can head to on how to jailbreak. checkra1n and palera1n variants are recommended. The Taurine jailbreak does not work correctly with GGZ EN, do not use it.
If the app is crashing immediately on startup, you don't have JIT enabled. Jailbreak your device or launch with JIT using the tutorials above.
Houkai Gakuen 2 is available on Google Play in most asian regions. If you live in or near Asia, try checking there first.
Download GGZ using QooApp. It will make you install QooApp…
Slide the other login methods right until you see “Guest”
Press back button on your phone when it asks for the phone number
Press back when the ad pops up
Search Guns Girl Z and pick the Japanese result
Install it
Congratulations, you did it. Now link your account so you don’t lose your progress.
This method is very difficult, but it's the only way to have in-app purchases. Expect it to take an hour because you have to fight through a maze of shitty options, mess with your payment profile, or god forbid the option to add a PayPal account doesn't work.
Google changes their options every year, so you have to search up the latest and greatest method every time. Good luck.
It is also possible to use a Google account without any payment methods attached, although very tedious.
To use an existing Google account:
Finally, search 崩壊学園 on the Google Play store or Click here, then click install.
You only have to use the VPN for installing the app, updates and in-app purchases will function without it.
Download and install the latest version of PlayCover
Download 崩壊学園 from or ARMConverter.
Install and play!
If neither are up to date, you can dump it from your own device using TrollStore or request a dump in Foxgirl.
Insert TrollDecrypt guide here...
Luckily, iOS does not have IP-based region lock, just account based. This means you can download the app straight from the app store. However, there are some ceveats:
You will have to make a Japanese iTunes account. Since iOS allows multiple iTunes accounts on the same device now, this shouldn’t be much of an issue.
You obviously have to play it in Japanese with no instant translation apps.
You likely will have to purchase a Japanese iTunes card for in-app purchases. You may get lucky and be able to use your regular credit card (Many credit card companies charge an additional fee for international purchases or will just block it unless you call them), but I wouldn’t count on it working.
Since Apple likes to change how to make an account all the time and I don’t own an iOS device, you’ll just have to pick the most relevant result in a search engine. Here’s a hyperlink to make it easy for you: “create a Japanese app store account”.
Afterwards, simply search 崩壊学園 on the App Store or Click here.
Don’t be one of the many, many people that lose their account information because they uninstalled the app without linking! GGZ JP creates a guest account by default which isn’t tied to anything.
Tap the snail icon in the top right
Game settings
Account settings
Uhhh I dunno lmao
Use the VMOS guide to check if you did it correctly
Make sure you screenshotted your profile information with the UID in case you ever lose your account info so support can recover it (Good luck talking to them with MTL).
My email is at the bottom of the interpreter. Or you can join the Foxgirl Discord.
For general game help such as what weapons to level up, what characters to roll for, and more, join the Foxgirl Discord!
If you like playing GGZ on PC, here is some bonus artwork for game launchers. Along with current/previous icons for the english patched versions of the game.
To launch from Steam, right click the game in mumu and add a desktop shortcut. Then copy the shortcut contents to a steam shortcut.